March 2007
My name is Trina Schellhammer and I am the owner/operator of "The
Praise Props Shoppe". I live in a somewhat remote part of Pennsylvania called New Ringgold with my husband,
Troy, of 13 years (my high school sweetheart), little girl, Jada who is 6, and our baby, Joel, who is 4. My
"quiver" is full (although I'd LOVE more!), and I am certainly blessed.
The Lord has done a tremendous work in my life since I accepted
Jesus Christ as my savior in 1994. It still surprises me how He knows our heart of hearts, and how if we seek His will
for our lives He will sustain and bless us. God's put it on my heart to first be a teacher of worshipping
Him and offering to him a pleasing sacrifice in what we do in His name. This includes not only in the dance but
our daily walk with Him. I come out of 15-or-more year secular dance experience and have had difficulty losing
the mindset of dancing as a performance for men as compared to dancing for the Lord. Slowly he's transforming my heart
through the guidance of His spirit by leading me to actually sit down and study dance in the bible. He's also
guided me to seek out the meanings of colors, as well. This has, over time, enabled me more and more to focus on
Him and what is pleasing in His sight rather than man's, and has allowed me to use these gifts that He has given me to glorify
His name. He's opened many doors to allow me to start this ministry and to work and stay home with my children
(which has always been my prayer) and has unbelieveably directed me step-by-step in every aspect. He is so
faithful. All glory goes to Him.
My desire for all who visit my website is to direct you to
examine your own heart and seek to worship Him both in spirit and in truth. Our bodies are instruments of the praise
and worship that bubbles up from the inside. Every gift in your life comes from The hand of God. Glorify Him with
the gifts He has blessed you with. Spend time with Him, submerge yourself in His word every day, seek His face.
Become more beautiful on the inside than the out. I guarantee that if you will put Jesus first in everything do, you
will be greatly blessed.
Your sister in Christ,
Trina Schellhammer